WaiverElectronic develops the electronic waivers for youth events.

保險羽毛球體驗館 ​HSBC Life Badminton Experience Zone

球場活動守則 Court Activities Rules



a. 場內只允許穿著合適的室內運動鞋。如參加者赤腳或穿著人字拖、  登山鞋、高跟鞋或皮鞋,則不得進場;
b. 參加者請在預約時間前十分鐘到達場地。球場不需要付費,但必須預約。每組每天只限免費使用球場一次;
c. 12歲以下參加者必須有成年人陪同;
d. 基於安全理由,觀眾必須站在球場外圍、滙豐保險的廣告板後。滙豐保險羽毛球體驗館的滙豐保險羽毛球體驗館的籌辦機構(或其委託之人士)將不會對參加者或觀眾的任何傷害或遺失物品承擔責任;
e. 您了解即使籌辦機構採取一切合理措施確保本活動安全,閣下在參加本活動的過程中有可能發生現時不明顯或無法合理預見的潛在風險及危險;
f. 您確認閣下並沒有任何就參加本活動而可能對閣下健康構成任何風險的健康或醫療問題/病痛、身體缺陷和精神殘疾;
h. 您同意閣下須遵守由協調本活動人員發出的所有有關本活動的規則和合理的安全指示,並明白倘閣下不遵守有關要求,則籌辦機構(或其委託之人士)可保留權利,拒絕閣下繼續參加本活動及將其驅逐出任何場地(如適用)。 
i. 參加者於由籌辦機構(或其委託之人士)指定的活動電子程式留下名字及簽名,有關任何透過該活動電子程式的使用,籌辦機構(或其委託之人士)並不行使控制權及不承擔任何責任。

If you are participating the events on the Badminton Court, you agree to be bounded:

Badminton Court Rules and Etiquette:

a. Only appropriate sports footwear is permitted on the badminton court. Participation in bare feet/flip flops/hiking shoes/heels/leather shoes is strictly prohibited;

b. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your session. There are no court fees, but prior registration is required. Each group is limited to one free play session per day;

c. Minors below the age of 12 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.;

d. For safety reasons, viewers must stay well behind the HSBC Life A-Board placed around the outer perimeter of the badminton court. The organising parties (or the authorised personnel) of HSBC Life Badminton Experience Zone will not be liable for any injuries sustained or loss of belongings of participants on the court or viewers around it.
e. You understand that there are potential risks and dangers which may arise in your participation of the activity that may not be obvious or reasonably foreseeable at this point in time, notwithstanding that the organising parties (or the authorised personnel) have taken all reasonable measures to ensure the safety aspects of the activity;

f. You confirm that you do not have any health or medical conditions/ ailments, physical limitations and mental disabilities which may pose any risk, danger or medical complications to your health and wellbeing as a result of your  participation in the activity;

g. You consent to and confirm that your participation in the activity is fully voluntary, and that you will take full responsibility and assume all risks which may arise as a result of your participation in the activity;

h. You agree that you  will comply with all the rules of the activity and all reasonable safety directions given by the authorised personnel supervising the activity and where you do not comply with the same, the organising parties (or the authorised personnel) reserve the right to exclude you from further participation and remove them from any premises (if applicable). 

 i. Participants name and signature will be submitted to this third party event application used for waiver forms. The organising parties (or the authorised personnel) does not exercise control over and assumes no liability for the information use of the this third party event application.

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