Online studio waivers are better than paper agreements in the aspects of waiver searching and collecting.

The Platform Studios

P.O. Box 111469

Park Island - Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE

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Welcome to the THE PLATFORM STUDIOS and Congratulations on taking the first steps to a fitter you!

Regular physical activity is fun and has shown to be very beneficial to the body and mind. Prior to starting your fitness journey, please take a couple of minutes to answer the pre-exercise questionnaire below.

Please select YES or NO to the following questions. Certain medical issues may indicate that you should not take part in exercise unless you have first obtained your doctor's approval.

Please select at least one choice above.
Please select at least one choice above.
Please select at least one choice above.
Please select at least one choice above.
Please select at least one choice above.
Please select at least one choice above.
Please select at least one choice above.


If you have any questions regarding this Pre-Exercise Questionnaire, please speak to any team member of our training team or schedule an appointment with a trainer via our reception team. If any of your answers to the above questions change or for any other reason you are unsure at any time, whether as a result of your state of health you should exercise, please seek the approval of your doctor and inform team member before exercising.

I have read and fully understand this Pre-Exercise Questionnaire and confirm that the answers given by me are correct and not misleading. Furthermore, I understand it is my responsibility to inform any team member if my health status changes. In agreeing to this waiver, I understand that classes and fitness activities I undertake at The Platform may be physically demanding. I agree to participate in them with full knowledge that there is a risk of personal injury or misfortune. I agree that I will not hold The Platform or its employees responsible for any personal injury or misfortune, whether caused y negligence or otherwise.

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