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Conscious Cities Festival 2019

15-18 October 2019, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

Release Form for Speakers and Workshop Participants:

I give consent for my presentation to be videotaped or my speech recorded at the Conscious Cities Festival 2019 (Event) organized by the Centre for Conscious Design (Organizer) and Pratt Institute (Host). I further grant permission for the Organizer to reproduce this Material as part of the Organizer's Digital Video archives, and to further distribute the Material without restriction or limitation for educational/nonprofit use.

Accordingly, I give the Organizer and Host the right to use my name, image, voice, pronouncements and any biographical material submitted by me in connection with the Event named above and for any associated advertising or exhibition. I will contact the organizer if I wish to personally inspect or approve any such use of my image, voice, pronouncements etc.

I hereby release and discharge the Organizer and Host from any liability arising out of my participation in the Event. All permissions and releases granted by me herein shall be effective in perpetuity and extend and apply to Organizer and Host and its assigns, contractors, sublicensed distributors, successors, and agents. Any materials used in my presentation contain the work of other individuals or organizations (including any copyrighted musical compositions or excerpts thereof), I understand that it is my responsibility to secure any necessary permissions and/or licenses and will provide them in writing to Organizer.

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